Technology & Security

Centralized user management, reliable authentication methods and future-proof technology, so that your organization can scale and grow with confidence.


Designed for security

Secure communication

All transmitted data is encrypted via TLS 1.2 (open standard) for secure exchange of encrypted information between computer systems. In file transfer, SFTP is used for your data to be transmitted in a secure and encrypted manner.

Incident management

With procedures to manage information security-related incidents, we can ensure compliance. All responsible persons are continuously undergoing training with associated knowledge tests.

Storage & backup

Stratsy's services use two data centers in Gothenburg and one at Microsoft Azure in Amsterdam. All customer-specific data is stored in a separate database. Backups are physically stored separately on a 3rd backup site for up to 13 months.

Availability & continuity management

Architecture and operating environments are built for high availability with mirrored data centers, failover function and redundant power and internet connections. If the automatic backup does not work, there is a continuity plan for manual reset. We guarantee a 99.5% availability on a monthly basis.

Secure development

With a plan for SDL and internal requirements for safe development education for all our developers, you can be safe. All code is verified and reviewed according to established routines before launch to detect any security flaws. We also apply vulnerability scanning along with human review of source code, applications and infrastructure.

Secure access

Customers can use their preferred method to log into Stratsys, we also support both SAMLv2 and OIDC. Stratsys employees always use MFA for login and the customer can control who has access to Stratsys.

Learn more how Stratsys' products can help your business

Get in touch with us today and one of our experts will tailor a demo to meet your needs.
